Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Night Highlights

I enjoyed the John Hughes tribute. I liked all his movies that I saw. I was all for the winning actor for best supporting actor, Christoph Waltz. He was so good in Inglourious Basterds. I want to see The Princess and the Frog for a few reasons, one I like the story, two the music sounds good and three I like animation. Jeff Bridges is a good actor and I'm looking forward to seeing Crazy Hearts. I also love musicals and have since I first saw Roy Rogers and Gene Authrey in their early movies. My big Sister used to take my brother, cousin and I to the Paramount theatre on Saturday afternoons to see them. Also there was a local talent show during intermission. She loved getting involved in that. She has a good voice and was always there teaching us and others to sing at school and at home. The photo is of the three of us. I'm in the middle.

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